My 1st official Winter knitting project.
In Spanish we call it "Punto". My grandmother, who practically raised me taught it to me when I was a little boy, I think more to keep me busy than to actually employ me as her workman.
But it worked, when I wasnt playing in the attic, backyard or building stairwell you could find me knitting away eating or playing with "Masa" which was this simple paste she'd make.
Mi abuelita was always in the kitchen, she LOVED cooking, which is probably where I get it from. In between her several caldos of Arroz con Leche, Huevos (hands down the best revoltillo ever), Sopita, Frijoles Negro, Arroz con Pollo, Flan etc, Id beg and beg for her to make me a batch.....
In a pot would go the ingredients, flour, salt, water, who knows what else and out would come what can only be described as playdo.
it truly was one of my favorite things,
I never really did finish much knitting back then but things they have a changed and soon you will see
Can you guess what it is?
or rather what it will be?
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