Saturday, January 23, 2010
7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."
8 Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field."
And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
9 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?"
"I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's keeper?"
Genesis 4: 6-9
Friday, January 22, 2010
Heres some of what I saw...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kimchi (pronounced /ˈkɪmtʃi/, Korean pronunciation: [kimtɕʰi]), also spelled gimchi, kimchee, or kim chee, is any one of numerous traditional Korean pickled dishes made of vegetables with varied seasonings. Its most common manifestation is the spicy baechu (cabbage) variety. Kimchi is the most common banchan, or side dish, in South Korea and many South Korean communities and locales. Kimchi is also a common ingredient and combined with other ingredients to make dishes such as kimchi stew (kimchi jjigae) and kimchi fried rice (kimchi bokkeumbap). Kimchi is so ubiquitous that the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) developed space kimchi to accompany the first Korean astronaut to the Russian-manned space ship Soyuz.[1]

If you like it spicy, Ill let you know when its ready.
Cabbage, Leeks, Daikon, Carrots, Scallions, Red Pepper, Garlic, Ginger,
Salt, Sugar, Cayenne Pepper, Water
10 days...cant wait!!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
St Louis (I saw with my little eye)
on anything.

Friday, January 1, 2010
Yule Pie
Raw Pecan Pie
Lo Bueno
T'was Yule-tide, it was snowing and I had on my new union suit.
My first attempt at Raw Pecan Pie was more than a success it was heaven.
It was all I ever wanted....and then some.
Great texture, delicious flavor, perfect crust.
Lo Malo
I ate the whole thing....every last bite
It was raped, pillaged and plundered into my belly.
It started off like a quiet evening on Damen Ave, 2 slices after dinner, followed by some wine (I hardly ever drink)
Lets just say its early demise ended with me, a spoon and the kitchen floor.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ultima Luna
Reinaldo Arenas
Por qué esta sensación de ir a buscarte
hacia donde por mucho que vuele
no he de hallarte.
Qué terror sin tiempo ahora me impele
a por sobre tanto terror siempre evocarte.
No ha de encontrar sosiego nuestra pena
(que hallarlo sería comenzar otra condena)
y por lo mismo jamás cesaré de contemplarte.
Luna, una vez más aquí estoy detenido
en la encrucijada de múltiples espantos.
El pasado es todo lo perdido
y si del presente me levanto
es para ver que estoy herido
(y de muerte)
porque ya el futuro lo he vivido.
Ésa, indiscutiblemente, ésa es la suerte
que por venir del infierno arrostro.
Extraña amante,
sólo me queda contemplar tu rostro
(que es el mío)
porque tú y yo somos un río
que recorre un páramo incesante,
circular e infinito:
un solo grito.
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sorry for the long intermission, but the moving process has unfortunately:
- Turned my apartment into a virtual Tetris maze of boxes, furniture, newspaper, and bubble wrap.
- Taken the convenience of home Internet.
- Caused me a mixed, confusing, blend of contradictory thoughts and emotions.
"Excuse me While I obsess"
There is no way to be truly great in this world. We are all impaled on the crook of conditioning. A fish that is in the water has no choice that he is. genius would have it that we swim in sand.
We are fish and we drown.
~James Dean

So it started the other night with "Rebel Without a Cause", then the following night with "Giant" then last night I traveled downtown to a picture show at the Gene Siskel which is currently showing a limited engagement of "East of Eden" (Amazing I know). which was then followed by hours of Internet scavenging for videos, pictures, bios, snippets of his early television career. I was yet again amazed and disappointed. Amazed at the beauty, the genius, the eyes. Disappointed at the lack of footage or documentation of his early stage and television work, saddened by his early and tragic demise and wondering/wanting just one kiss.
I remember watching his movies as a sexually confused boy who had no idea who or what I was, all I did know was I had seen a god, a man I thought about, the first man I couldn't forget...
Friday, December 11, 2009
"Vida Gitana"

Like always its not inner city or from neighborhood to neighborhood, its not even inner state but across the country! Its an open road.... me, my stuff and a truck.
As of yesterday Thursday December 11th, 2009 I officially started the packing, cleaning, dusting crying, boxing, bubble wrapping, smiling, labeling, taping, lifting, breaking, separating, daydreaming, stacking, reserving, scheduling, never ending process of moving.
This times different, a choice, MY choice.

I'm broke but can pay you in laughter & good times.
be able to follow directions (I'm somewhat of a control freak) be funny, organized, dependable, speak French or Spanish, be strong, patient, careful & kind. Smoke (no not cigarettes) and be able to handle an emotional outburst here or there.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
"Winter of our Discontent"
Winter has officially come.
she creeps in: colder nights, darker days, leaves falling, then she blankets us in white. Today was our 1st snowfall of the season and like always it was beautiful.
Everything covered in white, the pale blank canvas with a world underneath it. This is what I woke up to this morning, while walking to the store I snapped some shots of my hood. Its already a winter wonderland and were expecting 7 more inches.

PS: Im a big Steinbeck fan, and although not my favorite it's considered one of his greats, if you haven't read it I suggest you do.
Like Ethan Ive got plans...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
"El Comenzar"

My 1st official Winter knitting project.
In Spanish we call it "Punto". My grandmother, who practically raised me taught it to me when I was a little boy, I think more to keep me busy than to actually employ me as her workman.
But it worked, when I wasnt playing in the attic, backyard or building stairwell you could find me knitting away eating or playing with "Masa" which was this simple paste she'd make.
Mi abuelita was always in the kitchen, she LOVED cooking, which is probably where I get it from. In between her several caldos of Arroz con Leche, Huevos (hands down the best revoltillo ever), Sopita, Frijoles Negro, Arroz con Pollo, Flan etc, Id beg and beg for her to make me a batch.....
In a pot would go the ingredients, flour, salt, water, who knows what else and out would come what can only be described as playdo.
it truly was one of my favorite things,
I never really did finish much knitting back then but things they have a changed and soon you will see
Can you guess what it is?
or rather what it will be?